Kopie Speakers

February 2024 | Dubai


              Dr. Maurice Salama, DMD

Dr. Maurice A. Salama completed his undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1985, where he received his BS in Biology. Dr. Salama received his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where he later received his dual specialty certification in Orthodontics and Periodontics, as well as implant training at the Branemark Center at Penn. He was awarded the George Coslet and Richard Chase Scholarships at the University of Pennsylvania during his post-doctoral studies. Dr. Salama is currently on the faculties of the University of Pennsylvania and the Medical College of Georgia as Clinical Assistant Professor of Periodontics.

Dr. Salama has completed an ADA accredited hospital-based General Practice Residency at Maimonides Medical Center in New York City. In 1988 he had the opportunity to further broaden his clinical horizons through externships at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Beth Israel Hospital in New York City. His very unique background includes specialized training in Orthodontics, Periodontal Surgery, and Implant Dentistry.

Dr. Salama is an active member in the American Academy of Orthodontics, the American Academy of Periodontics, the Academy of Osseointegration, Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity, Thomas P. Hinman Dental Society, Georgia Dental Association, and the American Dental Association. He also served as the Dental Expert for Fox (WAGA) TV in Atlanta, Georgia on a weekly basis.

The dual nature of his specialty training makes Dr. Salama a frequent author of dental literature, and a sought-after lecturer nationally and internationally.

               Dr. Henry Salama, DMD

Dr. Salama received his post-doctoral specialty certificates in both periodontics and periodontal-prosthesis, fixed prosthodontics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the former director of the Implant Research Center, at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught as a Clinical Assistant professor in the Department of Periodontics for over 20 years.

Dr. Salama is currently in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, and Linwood, New Jersey, limited to adv anced restorative and implant therapy. His clinical research activities focus on long-term stability of esthetic soft tissue enhancement techniques, as well as immediate and early loading of root form implants.

               Dr. Emad Salloum, DDS

DATE OF BIRTH: 17/4/1959
Current address: Hamrat st. –Salloum buil. TARTOUS – SYRIA
Tel: 00963 – 43- 229348, 319024, 319025, 319026
E-mail: salloumdental@hotmail.com


  • Board member of Arabian Academy of Implantology
  • Board member of Syrian Association of Implant Dentistry
  • Opinion leader and international speaker and trainer for Dentsply Friadent.
  • Owner, general director, and chief surgeon at SALLOUM DENTAL CLINIC (multipractice dental center)
  • Practicing Oral & Maxillofacial surgery and implant dentistry in my private dental clinic (SALLOUM DENTAL CLINIC) and Modern Medical Center hospital and other major hospitalsTartous – Syria 1988 until now.
  • Elected board committee of Modern Medical Center Hosp. 1999 – 2010
  • Surgeon and dentist at Al-Meidan Dental Clinic. Kuwait. 1993 – 1997
  • Clinical instructor in Oral Surgery department at Teshrean University 1988
  • Director of scientific committee of Syrian Dental Association (Tartous ) 1989 – 1994
  • Attending surgeon in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery department, Damascus General Hosp. 1986, 1987


  • Degree in dentistry D.D.S Damascus university 1981
  • Syrian Board Certified in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1986
  • ICOI Diplomate & Masters in Implant Dentistry
  • Extern observer fellow, for continuing educational training on Orthognatic, Cosmetic and TMJ surgery at EMORY University, and EMORY clinic, Atlanta Georgia, USA 1987 - 1989 – 1992 – 1998
  • Continuing educational Training in surgical and restorative therapy of Osteo-integrated Dental Implants Washington DC, & Atlanta USA 1992
    Advanced Surgeries related to Implant dentistry
  • Bone augmentation
  • Piezo surgery
  • Orthognatic and cosmetic maxillofacial surgery
  • Maxillofacial trauma
    Member of International congress of Implantology ICOI
  • Member in DGZI
  • Member in American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • Member of Syrian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • Member in Syrian dental association

Several awards during lecturing in regional and international scientific meetings, workshops and conferences held in Syria, Spain, Cyprus, Lebanon, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, USA
English: speak, read and write very good

  • French: fair
  • Mother language Arabic

               Dr. Alain Romanos, DMD

Dr. Alain Romanos obtained his Baccalaureate Diploma (high school) in 1992 and pursued one year of Biochemistry in 1993 at the Lebanese University.
In 1994, he moved to Belgium (Brussels), joined the Dental School from 1994 to 1999 and obtained his DMD from the Free University of Brussels (ULB). In 1999, he worked in a private clinic and pursued a postgraduate residency program in the Implantology Department at the Free University of Brussels.

In 2000, Dr. Romanos was admitted at the University of Alabama – Birmingham at the General Practice Residency department in the United States followed by three years Residency at the Periodontology Department where he obtained his Master Degree in June 2004.
Currently, Dr. Romanos has a private clinic in Periodontics, Implant & Esthetic Dentistry in Antelias – Lebanon and partner in another Private practice in Hamra, Beirut.
Dr. Romanos is involved in teaching, he holds a title of assistant professor at the postdoctoral program of Periodontology at the Lebanese University and also serves as Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama – Birmingham, USA.
He is the Director of Periodontics course at the Dental College (a continuing education dental school) and gives advanced courses on soft tissue grafting techniques using alloderm & connective tissue graft, Implant in the esthetic zone, complications & management of failures and Basic Periodontology.
Dr. Romanos is an active member of the Lebanese Dental Association, the American Academy of Periodontics and the Lebanese Periodontal Society where he occupies a position of General Secretary.
Dr. Romanos loves teaching and lecturing, he gave more than seventy seminars and courses on national and international levels.

              Dr. Marko Tadros, DMD

Dr. Tadros started his dental journey at Georgia Regents University in August of 2010, and has obtained his Doctorate in Medical Dentistry by May of 2014. Upon graduation, he received “Best of the Best in Prosthodontics“ award. Dr. Tadros was also awarded “1st place” in the esthetic contest at the “Digital Smile Design Miami Super Week” held by Dr. Christian Coachman in September of 2014.. His attention to details and eagerness to treat challenging cases led him to pursue a three year residency program that specializes in Prosthodontics at Augusta University. Alongside the residency, he is also involved in the Ronald Goldstein Center for Esthetic and Implant Dentistry directed by world renown and father of modern esthetic dentistry, Dr. Gerard Chiche. Dr. Tadros has special interest in comprehensive full mouth rehabilitations, esthetic and Implant dentistry, computerized implant guided surgery, 3D-printing and digital dentistry.

He has several publications including his latest publication, “A Blended, Novel Team Approach in Academic Esthetic Dentistry “, in the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry. Furthermore, he has lectured about esthetic dentistry, Digital Smile Design, computer guided surgery, and 3D-printed implant surgical guides both nationally and internationally. In addition, he has also recently lectured at the 2015 Georgia Implant Maxicourse about "Integrating Digital Smile Design with Computer Guided Surgery". Dr. Tadros also demonstrates exemplary skills in navigating Blue Sky Bio implant planning software, 3shape, and 3D-printing of implant surgical guides in office. He is a co-founder of the www.blueskybio.academy where he and others teaches about guided surgery.

Dr. Bernardo de Mira Corrêa, DDS, DMD

Dental degree in Oporto’s Dental University - Hospital de S. João - FMDUP.
CEO of Clínica Mira Corrêa, Oporto’s Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation Center.
Member of BTI’s International Scientific Committtee.
CEO of EIT – Expert Implant Therapy, Study & Research Group.
Member of the Scientific Committee of Dental Magazine "Science Pro"
BTI’s Advanced Oral Implantology Courses’ teacher.
EIT’s Advanced Perioplastic Surgery Courses' teacher.
EIT’s Advanced All Ceramic Rehabilitations' teacher.
Author of several national and international lectures.
Author of several national and international publications.
Exclusive practice in Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology.

            Dr. Bassam F. Rabie, BDS

Became a Prosthodontist in Pittsburgh, USA 1997
Fellow American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics - 1998
Fellow International Confreess of Oral Imlantologists - 2004
Diplomat International Congress of Oral Implantologists - 2006
Visiting lecturer Continuing Education Dept. Tufts Boston, USA - 2007
Visiting lecturer Periodontics Dept. of Milan University, USA 2010
Visiting lecturer, Periodontics Dept. Harvard University, USA. 2010
Visiting lecturer dental school Sharjah University United Arab Emirates - 2009
Owner and Medical director of ONE Clinic - Dental & Facial concept in Egypt. Headquarter Lisbon, Portugal. www.oneclinicEG.com

Dr. Bassam F. Rabie graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Cairo University in 1992, where he received his BDS. He was appointed a teaching position in the Faculty of the Dental School for 3 years. In 1997 Dr. Bassam finished his Implant Prosthodontic Residency Speciality Program from the School of Dental Medicine, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,USA . Later the next year in 1998, he became a fellow of the AAIP (American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics). Since 1994 Dr. Bassam had his private practice and since 1997 he has been limiting his dental work to Implants and Prosthodontics. In the year 2000, he owned the EIC (Esthetics Implant Center) which was one of the Implant specialized centers in Egypt,and since 2002, Dr. Bassam started his own private implant courses in addition to other implant courses he directed and was involved with some of the Elite Implant Associations inside and outside Egypt.

           Dr. Filipe Lopes, DDS, DMD

Dental degree in Oporto’s Dental  University - Hospital de S. João - FMDUP.
Member of BTI´s International Scientific Committee
CEO Centro Português de Medicina Dentária - Portugal Implant Dental Center
CEO Centro de Ortodontia Damon Portugal
CEO Centro de Medicina Dentária de Braga
CEO of EIT – Expert Implant Therapy, Study & Research Group.
CEO of iSmile
Clinical Teacher at Oporto´s Dental Medicine University (Portugal) Post-Graduation in Oral Rehabilitation 2000 – 2007
BTI’s Advanced Oral Implantology Courses’ teacher.
EIT’s Advanced Perioplastic Surgery Courses' teacher.
EIT’s Advanced All Ceramic Rehabilitations' teacher
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Dental Magazine “Science Pro”
Author of the book “Dental Materials” in it´s 15th edition in Oporto´s Dental Medicine University (Portugal)
Author of several national and international lectures.
Author of several national and international publications.
Exclusive practice in Orthodontics, Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology.

          Dr. Venceslav Stankov, DDS

Dr. Venceslav Stankov is among the best positioned professionals in the domain of dental medicine in Bulgaria.
He is managing a team of 24 employees as the Chief Doctor at Dr. Stankov Dental Clinique. Dr. Stankov’s clinical work is focused on end-to-end esthetical treatment in Dental Medicine, implantology, periodontal plastic microsurgery, periodontal regeneration, complex cases of prosthetics on natural teeth and implants.
Venceslav Stankov is a renowned and influential national lecturer – the trend-setter in his area of expertise. He has executed a number of courses for postgraduate qualification in the fields of Periodontology and Prosthetics. Dr. Stankov has won the second prize of the one-year Master program of GIDE (Global Institute for dental Education) at the University of California, Los Angeles (2013).
His career starts after he has graduated in Dental medicine in the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University in Plovdiv (2007). Dr. Stankov is currently following the educational program of Pierpaolo Cortellini and Maurizio Tonetti.

               Dr. Firdaus Hanapiah

After graduating from University of Otago, New Zealand in 1990, he became clinical tutor at the Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, UM.

In 1993, he joined the Eastman Dental Hospital, University College London, where he was a part-time honorary senior house officer. He completed an MSc in Oral Surgery from Eastman in 1996 and was awarded the Fellowship in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeon, UK.

He returned to Malaysia as a lecturer at the Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, UM. He was awarded the Fellowship of the International Congress of Implantologist and is a member of The International Team for Implantology (ITI). He has since placed more than 1000 dental implants.

Dr Firdaus is also a pioneer in the field of virtual surgery – surgical placement of implant. He is also keen in the analysis of “immediate loaded implants”. He has lectured both in Europe as well as Asia. Namely Germany, Finland, Belgium as well as Singapore and Indonesia. And is actively attending dental global conferences.

              Dr. Nilesh Salgar, DDS

Dr. Nilesh Salgar graduated in 1994 with a DDS Degree from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He is a Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), and is a member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), and Spear Education.
Dr. Salgar has pursued highly advanced training in the fields of Implant dentistry, Osseodensification, Sinus grafting, Bone & Soft tissue grafting and regeneration, Periodontics, Short-term orthodontics, Digital Dentistry, and Dynamic Navigation. His perspective as both the surgeon and restorative dentist gives him the ability to plan and successfully execute all stages of treatment ranging from simple esthetic or surgical cases to the most complex multidisciplinary procedures including complete rehabilitation.
Dr. Salgar is published in the Journal of Oral Implantology. His article is titled: "Osseodensified Crestal Sinus Window Augmentation:

An Alternative Procedure to the Lateral Window Technique".

He is the winner of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry’s “AAID’s Got Talent” in 2019 and was a Main Podium speaker at AAID’s 2019 Northeast and Southern District Meeting. He has presented numerous Laptop / Tabletop Presentations at international conferences and was the First Place Winner at the ICOI Conference in 2018. He runs numerous theory and hands-on courses teaching dentists all stages of implant dentistry, from treatment planning to surgery to prosthetics.

              Dr. Rolf Vollmer, PhD

1952 born in Freudenberg / Kreis Siegen

1972-1977 dental education (University of Bonn) 

1977 degree of dentist and doctorate Dr. med. dent.

1978 Own dental center in Wissen/Sieg and start with implant dentistry

1993 forming the Study Group Implantology Nordrhein (1st Study group in Germany)

1993 Specialist examination DGZI


Certification "Expert in Implantology"

1995 Diplomate ICOI

Since 2001 Training license for dental implants issued by Konsensuskonferenz Implantologie / Germany

Lectures on implantology and conduct courses world wide

Since 1999 honorary member of the DGZI

Vice-President & Treasurer DGZI (German association of dental implantology)

Member DGZI Spezialist and Expert examination committee

Different inventions in the field of dentistry and oral Implantology

Since 2004 Member Editorial Board of The International Magazine “Implants”

Since 2005 Senior lecturer German Board of Oral Implantology (GBOI)

Author of different Implantology textbooks (e.g. Glossary of dental implantology, Oral implantology Guide Book)

2007 Senior lecturer Danube University Krems

German Board Examination Committee Member

2008 Visiting Professor Cairo University, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine 

2009 – 2022 Focus Magazine recommended specialist for dental implantology

Courses in Anatomy, Radiology 3D, Hands on Training in Zimmer Institut Switzerland,

2019 – 2020 Introducing E-learning programs for DGZI Curricula in German and English language

2021 – 2022 Course Leader DGZI Curriculum (Modules Anatomy, Hard and Soft Tissue management, Radiology) Dental Implantology Germany & International

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